Media Openly Wish Cuomo Or Hillary As President

Eric Scheiner | April 10, 2020

In this week’s Wacky Moments Of Liberal Expression:

As if things weren’t strange enough during this time of Coronavirus and isolation – MSNBC’s Joy Reid drags us into a more surreal world. A world where she’s tired of all the praise that the media has been heaping on the president (?!?) and she and her guests pine for Andrew Cuomo to be in the oval office.

CBS News spends some quality airtime discussing one of their “entertainment programs.” You know, the show that’s currently featuring Hillary Clinton as president.

Meanwhile, when the real president speaks and holds a press conference, MSNBC cuts away so their hosts can talk all over it.

CNN’s Brian Stelter whines about Trump criticizing the press. Again. So whiny, that Brian.

CBS News features an Italian hospital while talking about COVID-19 in the U.S. again! First they showed the footage when talking about New York, the second time it was Pennsylvania. I wonder, what state will be the next to receive CBS’s “Italian hospital” treatment?

For more leftist media wackiness, check out NewsBusters.