Media: We Don’t Have ‘Negative Questions To Ask’ Biden – Kids At Border Are GOP ‘Props’

Eric Scheiner | March 26, 2021

In this week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

Immediately following President Biden’s first formal press conference of his presidency, leftist media cheerleaders went to work giving it rave reviews. The hacks were impressed that none of their colleagues bothered to ask about the ongoing Covid pandemic, leading shills like NBC’s Chuck Todd to conclude that there were “not any negative questions to ask.”

You know it’s bad when even MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell is conceding that the Biden administration screwed up the border situation. Still, on Monday she did her job as a Democratic hack telling viewers that the Democrat’s “intentions are good” when it comes to Biden’s border crisis. So, everything is A-OK.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid repeatedly claimed there isn’t a “crisis” at the southern border and said “caterwauling” from the GOP about those border children is perpetuating a “brown scare” because “those children are just a prop.” Darn all those GOP props trying to make Biden look incompetent on border security.

CNN has secured the answer for gun violence in America this week. It’s gun store employees sizing up their customers and asking if they hear voices.  CNN’s Alisyn Camerota ranted, “Why don’t we go to gun shop owners and say, 'Do you think that this 21 year old who comes in and wants an AR-15-style weapon, do you think that he looks like he’s going hunting with this weapon? Do you ever ask him, ‘Um, by the way, do you ever think people are chasing you? Do you ever hear voices saying people are coming for you?’ Do you ever ask questions like that?' Uh-huh, well it seems CNN has the whole issue under control.

The leftist media was interested in fact checking at least one Biden video this week.  A fringy video that claims Joe Biden isn’t human and is wearing a mask. “No, this video doesn’t prove Biden isn’t human,” PolitiFact boasts. Thank goodness they cleared that up, what would we do without their investigative skills during the Biden administration? 

For more media wackiness watch the video above.

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