By now, we've all seen the disturbing videos that show Planned Parenthood representatives negotiating the sale of baby parts to undercover activists. The videos have garnered national attention and have revitalized the debate as to whether Planned Parenthood should be receiving taxpayer dollars for their organization.
Well, now we know who is behind the videos that expose heretofore unknown activities that Planned Parenthood has been engaged in.
David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, spent three years collecting footage of Planned Parenthood officials giving price estimates for assorted baby organs such as livers and hearts. Daleiden says his goal was to ensure that the videos showing Planned Parenthood engaging in what many believe to be illegal activity has staying power in the "contemporary 24-hour news cycle," which is why he chose to stagger the release of what are now eight different sting videos, each showing Planned Parenthood representatives engaging in similar behavior.
Daleiden claims that he still has four more videos that are yet to be released.
In an email to Politico, Daleiden explained his reasoning:
“For a topic this complex and multi layered, it’s important that each piece of evidence have a chance to be examined individually and so the current presentation format is geared towards that." he wrote. "The public would never have the attention span to absorb a single, multiterabyte data dump.”
The California based company StemExpress, a collaborator with Planned Parenthood and a group that is the focus of several of the videos, has released a statement claiming that the Center For Medical Progress itself has been engaging in "criminal" activities. However, Daledien claims that he is “cooperating with all state and federal investigations into Planned Parenthood’s baby parts sales.”
Earlier this month, Daleiden was grilled by a CNN reporter on Planned Parenthood's repeated claims that they are not profiting from the sale of fetal tissue extracted from aborted babies.
"Planned Parenthood...has produced no evidence that they have any real costs associated with the supply of aborted fetal tissue. Especially when they're partnered with a middle-man biotech company, like StemExpress....that sends technicians into the clinics to do the harvesting, to identify the patients, to receive the fetuses, dissect the specimens, ship them off. All those costs are absorbed by other outside biotech companies yet Planned Parenthood is still receiving payments per specimen that they produce."