MRC’s Bozell Slams Biased Media Coverage Of ‘Explosive’ FBI Memo

MRCTV Contributor | February 2, 2018

The newly released congressional memo concerning FISA abuses at the DOJ and FBI “exposes a disturbing and unprecedented agenda within the FBI” according to Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.

“This explosive memo exposes a disturbing and unprecedented agenda within the FBI and DOJ against President Trump and his 2016 campaign. The information contained in this memo constitutes a bombshell story by any objective measure. How in the world does this not merit Watergate-like media coverage?!, Bozell said in a statement Friday.

“Yet in their coverage leading up to its release – without ever having read it – the media dismissed this memo over and over as nothing more than a distraction fabricated by Republicans. In fact, for every story talking about the memo, they've had nearly four dismissing it!”

According to a new study from NewsBusters, between January 29 and February 1 network news devoted 3.5 times more coverage to worries over the memo’s release than the alleged FBI misconduct it documents. 

“TV news has spent nearly one hundred hours covering the investigation into alleged ‘collusion’ between Russia and the Trump campaign. It was the number one news story in 2017 yet there wasn't a lick of evidence,” Bozell said.

“This is proof the media only lend credibility to controversies that are damaging to Republicans and President Trump. The media are abdicating their responsibility to accurately inform the American public.”

“Now that the memo is public, the media owe it to the American people to report this story fairly and truthfully. We have witnessed over a year of an unparalleled, deliberate effort by the press to remove a president they despise, and it is time they are held accountable.”


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