Wednesday night was the Media Research Center (MRC) held its 35th Anniversary Gala, "Night of the Unwoke." Among the many special and honored guests was radio legend and host of the Fox News show "Life, Liberty & Levin," Mark Levin.
Levin was gracious enough to give us a few minutes of his time to talk about the conservative movement, what the MRC has meant to it and where the movement will go in the future.
"The hard left — or what I call these ‘American Marxists’ and their movements — they’re trying to shut us all down," Levin said. "So they’re trying to tell us what words we can use, what language we can accept, under what circumstances we can speak. We have to resist that, because otherwise they win."
For the full interview, watch below:
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The Unwoke Music Group plays at the #MRCGala
— MRCTV (@mrctv) September 22, 2022