National Guard Questioned Over Airman's Appearance In TikTok Ad

Eric Scheiner | May 18, 2023
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It’s an interesting situation. It features a U.S. military member shilling for a Chinese owned, communist product -  a product that has been banned from U.S. government devices. 

Chinese-owned social media company TikTok has created an ad featuring a member of the National Guard to promote a communist-owned product. As part of their series of ads ‘#TikTokSparksGood’ (A.K.A. – #TikTokNotAsBadAsYou’veHeard, Really) Air National Guard member Jon Lynch discusses how he uses TikTok to spread information on military benefits (see the video below).



The ad caught the attention of U.S. lawmakers. Sen.  Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) have sent a letter to Chief of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson. The letter demands answers for Lynch’s participation in the TikTok ad that appears to serve as a de facto National Guard endorsement of a Chinese-controlled platform.

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“This is extremely concerning given the known threats TikTok poses to Americans-especially so as TikTok is now banned on all U.S. Government devices,” the letter says.

"Not only does TikTok play a leading role in manipulating American citizens' perceptions of China generally, but influence operations like this could directly undermine the National Guard's ability to mobilize in crisis or conflict.”

General Hokansan has until May 26 to respond to the lawmakers concerns about Lynch’s appearance in the TikTok ad.

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