'Needs to be Accountability at the Top!' Fla. Rep. Mills Drafts Articles of Impeachment Against Defense Sec. Austin

Nick Kangadis | April 4, 2023
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Hypothetically, besides President Joe Biden, let’s say the leadership in our military — to be fair, acting at the behest of the president — bungled the country’s withdrawal from — oh, how about Afghanistan — to the point where American people and billions of dollars worth of American military equipment were left there for all the bad guys to take advantage of, who do you think should be responsible? Probably the Secretary of Defense, right?

Well, Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) would agree with you.

In case you missed it, and how couldn’t you with the Communist Party — I mean, Democrats — talking non-stop about former President Donald Trump’s indictment, Mills took his five minutes to speak as part of the House Armed Services Committee to give his assessment on the horrible withdrawal from — you guessed it — Afghanistan back in 2021. Mills also brought up the draconian measure the military took of removing “8,400 people who” were “purged” from the ranks for not voluntarily undergoing an experimental medical procedure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For context, Mills is an Army veteran who served as part of the 82nd Airborne Division between 1999 and 2004.

Related: Disgraceful! U.S. Army Cutting Pay, Benefits to Tens of Thousands of Unvaccinated Army National Guardsmen, Reservists

Secretary Austin, we have seen where we have failed to secure a status of forces agreement during Iraq withdrawal which has now allowed ISIS to retake key locations of Baghdad. We have Afghanistan in the control of the Taliban, Haqqani network, ISIS Khorasan (ISIS-K) with billions of dollars of weapons, armament, defense articles, millions of dollars in cash, thereby actually creating probably one of the most well-funded and well-positioned terrorist organizations in the world, even though our intent in going to Afghanistan was actually to stop it from being a safe haven of terrorism.

We have Libya, which is controlled by a UN-backed government that faces challenges from militia groups who threaten the stability across the entire region. And we have Syria, which is fractured between the Assad regime, the Russian military, militia groups and ISIS. Plus, the United States continuing to be the recipient of missile and rocket attacks that’s resulted recently in the loss of American lives.

And as my colleague, Representative Johnson had pointed out, also not abiding by law.[…]

Leadership is to lead by example, and in my opinion that example has not been very strong. That is why we have 8,400 people who was purged as a result of the vaccine, which I find to be unconstitutional and support them being reinstated with full pay, back benefits and their ability to serve their country, not the political agenda.

Mills went on to say that Afghanistan bothers him most, because he led missions to retrieve American that were left behind by the Biden regime in that country. And summing it all up, that’s when Mills informed Austin that he has indeed drafted articles of impeachment against him.

“That is why, Secretary Austin, and based on further hearings and investigations, I’ve already drafted my articles of impeachment for the dereliction of duty,” Mills said. “I do feel there needs to be accountability at the top and at the highest levels, and I hope that we can get true accountability with future hearings and investigations and your testimonies that would actually either substantiate or discredit my beliefs.”

This impeachment most likely won’t go anywhere since the regime never has to answer for its…mistakes.

For Mills' full time, watch below:



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