Conservatives being harassed at restaurants? Yeah, it’s happened plenty of times.
Whether it’s some guy walking into a store with a MAGA hat and getting yelled at or Sen. Ted Cruz getting harassed by an Antifa mob while trying to eat a meal with his wife at a restaurant, conservatives have met their fair share of pestering leftists.
Knowing this, app developer Scott Wallace has come out with "63red Safe," an app that allows conservatives to find out which businesses are “safe” for them to frequent.
Wallace told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Monday that he created the app "to get policies out of local businesses."
The creator of an app described as "Yelp for conservatives" says that the aim is "to get politics out of local businesses [and] local restaurants," even though businesses can get marked unsafe for banning firearms.
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) March 11, 2019
"We wanted to make sure that people could let others know what restaurants may have a political bent," he said. "We're not looking to try and find restaurants that are 'conservative' or 'pro-Trump.' Our aim is to get politics out of local businesses, local restaurants, and make everyone feel comfortable when they go out.”
The app has been described as “Yelp for conservatives." After answering a few questions, users can mark businesses as “safe” places to visit or “unsafe” locations to avoid.
“It’s just four quick yes-or-no questions,” Wallace said. “Number one, does this location serve all customers regardless of political beliefs? Will they protect their customers if they’re under attack by others in the restaurant? There’s a concealed carry question, and does the location have a political presence in their social media?”
The app developer went on to explain that businesses and politics aren’t the best match.
“We want businesses to understand that there’s no money in politics, and we’re working to call them out on it” he explained. “People just want to go out and eat, they just want to go out and shop. Let’s not mix the two.”