America Last? Biden Regime 'Considering' Plan to Bring Palestinian Refugees to U.S., Give Permanent Status

Nick Kangadis | May 1, 2024

The Biden regime should just come out and say America’s over. Seriously, at this point, who aren’t our leaders giving priority to over actual Americans? Sure, this next possible move by Biden’s regime is currently just under “consideration,” but are we really going to be surprised if they spend more of our tax dollars on more people from more foreign nations?

CBS News reported on Tuesday that the Biden regime is contemplating bringing Palestinian refugees to the U.S. with the possibility of benefits and permanent status.

According to the report:

In recent weeks, the documents show, senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents.[…]

Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the U.S. with refugee status, which offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.

Related: HOPE: UNC Students Hold Up American Flag Ripped Down By Pro-Palestine Agitators

Of course, this may not lead to a major amount of people being brought into the U.S. via this proposal, but when the country is already in the midst of a crisis of invaders pouring over the borders any additional populations to that already staggering number of people entering the country is detrimental to the sovereignty of the nation.

Here’s a question — Why is it that the thousands of criminal invaders coming over U.S. borders don’t seem to be tested with the same “series of eligibility, medical and security screenings? I’m sure there’s gotta be some level of vetting, even if it’s minimal at best. But is Biden’s regime realizing that the American people won’t go for bringing in more people into the country without a higher level of scrutiny?

I’m all for being a humanitarian, but when those practices and benefits aren’t extended to people who reside in the country legally in favor of those that, most likely, don’t care about the American way of life, when does our generosity reach its plateau?


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