Buh Bye LeBron! NBA Star Taking Break from Social Media Post-Trump Victory

Nick Kangadis | November 21, 2024
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With everybody’s 2024 bingo cards looking like a completely random, AI-generated hodgepodge of ‘Really? How?’, I guess it’s not that far-fetched to see a celebrity leave social media for a while because they finally acknowledge that their profession is supposed to be an escape for regular people. Who knows?

Apparently, LeFlop — excuse me — LeBron James is reportedly “taking a break from social media,” according to ESPN — the worldwide leader in sucking up to the Los Angeles Lakers superstar.

The outlet reported that James reposted a post from fellow NBA star Kevin Durant’s manager Rick Kleiman in which he wrote that “We can all acknowledge that sports is the last part of society that universally brings people together. So why can’t the coverage do the same?” James simply wrote “AMEN!!” above the repost.

“It's only click bait when you say it,” Kleiman also wrote in the October 24 post. “When the platform is so big, you can make the change and allow us all an escape from real life negativity. I for one find it all a waste of breath.”

A waste of breath is right.

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It looks like James is taking a break from social media following the re-election of President-elect Donald Trump and James’ own social media campaigning for Vice President Kamala Harris.

James looks to have stamped his possibly temporary departure from social media with an X post from Wednesday simply saying, “And with that said I’ll holla at y’all! Getting off social media for the time being. Y’all take care.”

James has been a frequent firebrand on social media when it comes to societal and political issues, oftentimes drawing the ire of those not living in various entertainment bubbles — you know, the real world.


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