Fake Tough Guy De Niro Calls Trump 'Evil,' 'Wannabe Dictator' in His Latest Ramblings

Nick Kangadis | October 13, 2023
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Think what you want about former President Donald Trump. You don’t have to like him. You don’t have to hate him. But one thing is for sure — it’s really rich that a guy who made his career literally pretending to be a “tough guy” would come out and call Trump a “wannabe tough guy.”

That fake tough guy is actor Robert De Niro, who wrote a statement for The New Republic’s Stop Trump Summit but couldn’t speak at the event because he came down with the sniffles (COVID-19).

“Democracy won’t survive the return of a wannabe dictator,” De Niro wrote. “And it won’t overcome evil if we are divided.”

Does he mean like the division currently being seen in his beloved New York where people in Times Square were cheering the Hamas terrorist attack? It looks like evil is already here.

The New Republic posted his statement in an article, but here’s an excerpt in which De Niro gives his supposed expertise when it comes to “tough guys":

“I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men. I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, the utter banality of their cruelty. Yet there’s something different about Donald Trump. When I look at him, I don’t see a bad man. Truly.

I see an evil one.”

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What De Niro isn’t telling you is that his profession, with so many great performances over the years, is that of a liar. De Niro gets paid to lie to you about who he is, portraying more interesting people than himself. I mean, you’ve never seen De Niro play himself, unless it was him attempting comedy on shows like “Saturday Night Live.”

Here’s the thing. Podcast host Patrick Bet-David came up with a challenge for De Niro during an episode of the "PBD Podcast" the other day — instead of taking the easy route and bashing Trump, why not sell people on the successes of current President Joe Biden?

“Sell it to us. Write the same kind of a novel you just wrote,” Bet-David said, referring to The New Republic statement, “but sell Biden.”

“I’d love to see De Niro sell Biden,” Bet-David added. “I don’t know if he can do it. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t do it. It’s easier to trash Trump than to go after selling us how incredible of a job Biden’s done.”

It doesn’t matter whether Trump is president again or not. That’s not the point here. The point is that De Niro, as he’s done for the past seven or eight years or so, is a fake tough guy acting like he has the bonafides to determine whether someone else is a tough guy or evil.

Although, to be fair, when it comes to evil, De Niro is one of the best at lying about him being one himself. So, maybe you portray what you know or who you are? But one thing De Niro is NOT is a legit “tough guy.”


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