Man Flips Out Over American Flags on Beach, Sick of 'MAGA F**ks' & 'White Nationalist Trash'

Nick Kangadis | May 21, 2024

Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. If you’re in the United States, you live here, but you get “triggered” by the sight of an American flag because you think it represents “extremists,” you can promptly take your ass to another country. That’s how strongly I feel about it.

Take this next muppet, for example. He calls the American flag “my flag,” but when he sees one on a beach he automatically assumes they’re Trump supporters and “white nationalist extremists.”

“I got these flags planted here on the beach by these MAGA f**ks,” the ignorant pile of trash said. “Listen, this is all America. We know. You didn’t storm the beaches to stake out your territory on the beach. This isn’t the f**kin’ Moon. I get it. This is America. But I’m sick of my flag being represented by white nationalist trash on a God d**n beach. Go f**k yourselves.”

Tell us how you really feel, a**hole.

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This isn’t even about who you support politically. This is about a man being upset to the point he felt he needed to post a video to social media to garner some kind of attention by pretending he gives single damn about the American flag.

You know why he naturally feels that when he sees an American flag it’s being flown by “MAGA f**ks?” He feels that way, because the hard left never flies the American flag — unless it’s time to pander to garner votes. They fly every country’s flag but the American one.

Leave the f’n country then, nerd.


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