'Oh Canada!' Trump Trolls Trudeau with Picturesque Truth Social Post

Nick Kangadis | December 4, 2024
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Some people dislike President-elect Donald Trump because his ability to troll others is the "presidential" nature that those who support the establishment are accustomed to. But, regardless of how anyone feels about him, you can't deny the man's skill when it comes to cracking a joke at the expense of those who have consistently taken advantage of the generosity of the U.S.

On Tuesday, I wrote about the news that Trump reportedly told Canadian Prime Minister Justin "Blackface" Trudeau at a dinner held at Mar-a-Lago that if Canada can't survive the tariffs that Trump has proposed against our neighbor to the north, then maybe they could become our 51st state and Trudeau its governor.

Well...Trump did it again.

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On his Truth Social social media platform, Trump "truthed" out a picture of himself standing on top of a mountain - presumably in Canada - next to a Canadian flag with the caption, "Oh Canada!" It was obviously a little nod to the news that had come out earlier in the day about the exchange with Trudeau.


Oh, Mr. President. Why you gotta do those plucky Canadians like that? (That's called humor for those playing the home game.)


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