Nicki Minaj went to Scotland to host the VMAs for MTV Europe, but while she was there she decided to make a golf reference: a very low-brow golf reference- by putting a golf ball into a butt-shaped hole.
"I've been learning so much about your beautiful country and culture ... I've pretty much become Scottish," Minaj gushed at the event. To show her support of the country, she rapped about whiskey and shortbread and sang The Proclaimers' anthem "500 Miles."
The butt references didn't stop there, however. Minaj took this opportunity to showcase her romp on stage afterwards with a butt-laden performance of "Anaconda" while Katy Perry decided to cuddle a pillow-sized version of Nicki Minaj's butt.
When will celebrities stop showcasing low-brow culture and start setting good examples for the rest of America?
H/T MRC Culture