Nikki Haley Boldly Slams Venezuela For Human Rights Violations at the U.N.

Lianne Hikind | June 7, 2017

Nikki Haley didn't pull any punches during her first United Nations Human Right Council meeting as the United States Ambassador to the UN on Tuesday.


Ahead of the meeting, Haley had called for the UN agency to reform itself, saying that the United States would not stand for the global body’s singling out of Israel while they simultaneously ignored human rights abuses all over the world.



In her first address to the UNHCR, Haley called out Venezuela on its own human rights violations, declaring that the United States would be hosting a side event to discuss the topic. She then called for Venezuela to step down from the council if it could not address and halt their behavior, saying, “No country that is a human rights violator should be allowed a seat at the table.”

U.S. will not sit quietly while this body, supposedly dedicated to human rights, continues to damage the cause of human rights," she declared.


Perhaps this should be seen as a warning to the other countries with ongoing human rights abuses that still maintain their seats.


Check out Haley’s bold challenge for yourself: