NYC Health Dept. Blames 'Structural Racism' as Reason Black People Suffer During Heat Waves

Nick Kangadis | August 8, 2022
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With all the different stories coming out of New York recently, it seems as though that there’s some kind of criteria that requires a certain amount of natural stupidity to work in that state’s government.

Apparently, according to a letter from the New York City Department of Health, black people in the city need medical attention during heat waves due to “structural racism.”

“Structural racism and the resulting social and economic inequities increase the risk of heat stress for Black New Yorkers, who are twice as likely to die from heat as White New Yorkers,” the letter read.

The very next sentence explains the crux of the problem, writing that “Most people who die of heat stroke in New York City did not have or use air conditioners and were overcome by heat in their homes.”

Related: Governments Are Now Imposing Air Conditioning Limits…to Save 'the Climate'

So, if you think about it, leftists politicians are the reason people are being hospitalized or dying from heat stroke in New York City. Bill de Blasio used to be the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams is currently the mayor, Andrew Cuomo used to be the governor of New York, Kathy Hochul is the current governor, and Joe Biden is the President of the United States.

The first question is, which party do all of those people who directly affect New York State and New York City belong to? Second question: Whose policies have made it so utilities are so expensive that they either can’t afford air conditioning or don’t want to turn it on because they can’t pay the current exorbitant prices?

Funny though, the letter - while it does list suggestions to mitigate the problems to "providers" and also lists the reasons some peopel don't use their AC - don't mention the ridiculous mini-bar level prices as one of those reasons.

I guess the third question would be to ask which group of people would blame their own failures on “racism” instead of take accountability for the care they supposedly want to give people, while being in charge the entire time?

Leave it to far-left politicians, bureaucrats and government workers to pass the buck to racism.


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