Obama Has the Chutzpah to Appropriate 'Chutzpah'

ashley.rae | December 11, 2015

Despite the hypersensitive climate of political correctness across the country in which everything is deemed offensive, President Barack Obama seems to be getting a pass for his microaggression earlier today.

In an email sent to Democrats Friday afternoon, Obama actually had the chutzpah to use the word “chutzpah.”

Not only did Obama use the word “chutzpah” as the title of his email about why Senate Republicans allegedly committed a horrific act by trying to repeal Obamacare, but he also said “you've gotta give these folks credit for their chutzpah.”

Considering the Yiddish word “chutzpah” generally means “audacity” or “nerve,” Obama’s cultural appropriation of the word “chutzpah” is ironic, at best.

Obama’s use of the word “chutzpah” is incredibly problematic and an example of the cultural appropriation that has become so deplored in society today—even by the President of the United States.

From offensive Halloween costumes worn by students that shamelessly steal parts of cultures for fun, to putting your hair in a certain style, and even eating food that doesn’t belong to your culture, cultural appropriation is a real problem with real consequences: it hurts feelings.

According to the proponents of cultural appropriation theory, people are not allowed to enjoy, participate in, or even speak the language of a different culture without explicit permission, or else you might be committing the devastating atrocity of offending someone.

Without being given the expressed authority to use the word “chutzpah” by a member of the Jewish religion bestowed with the authority to decide who can and cannot use Yiddish, Obama marginalized Jews everywhere by his language choice.

Especially, since Obama made this egregious slight during Hanukkah, Obama owes Jewish-Americans an apology. Or, rather, he can take a page from the former University of Missouri president and resign because, clearly, he isn’t doing enough to address microaggressions—like cultural appropriation—against Jews.