Isn’t vanity one of the seven deadly sins? Don’t tell former president Barack Obama.
Because if he loves one thing, it’s himself.
For some reason, Obama was in Japan attending the Fourth Global Leaders Opinion Summit in Tokyo, according to NHK. Despite Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga’s claim that Obama’s friendly meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wasn’t to discuss politics, that didn’t stop Obama from pushing his lifelong progressive agenda during his speech at the conference.
The conference was said to have been sponsored by a “private organization,” but that didn’t prevent Obama’s comments from reaching the masses. If these comments don’t scream of an agenda to indoctrinate people, I don’t know what does.
“If I could do that effectively, then -- you know -- I would create a hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas," Obama told the audience. "Or, the next group of people who could take that baton in that relay race that is human progress.”
Wow! Obama basically just said that he’d like to create a new generation of Socialists in his or his wife’s likeness. I knew the guy loved himself, but this is taking things to new heights.
The Guardian reported on the premise for Obama’s comments, saying that Obama was talking about how his foundation, the Obama Foundation, “could create a ‘platform for young, up-and-coming leaders’ to exchange information with each other about projects they were working on.”
No doubt Obama meant “young, up-and-coming” progressive leaders. I highly doubt the Obama Foundation would allow for such things as conservative thought, or rational thought for that matter.
Obama claims that’s not the case.
“One of the things we're going to be spending time on, through the Foundation, is finding ways in which we can study this phenomenon of social media and the Internet to see are there [sic] ways in which we can bring people from different perspectives to start having a more civil debate and listen to each other more carefully,” Obama opined.
Well, civil debate certainly hasn’t been seen on Facebook or Twitter, so Obama’s dream might be that of the pipe variety.
With someone as motivated to get his progressive message out as Obama is, it’s doubtful that the former president will go gentle into that good night.
H/T: Washington Examiner