Over 4% Of Rejected Vanity Plates In Ohio Critical Of Biden

Eric Scheiner | January 5, 2023
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The Ohio BMV denied 759 plate ideas throughout 2022 and a good percentage of them were political in nature.

A quick count by this author notes at least 34 of the rejected plates are critical of Biden, resulting in over 4% of all the rejected plates. Some contain an alternate variation of the “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan. Others spell it out even less politely.

There may even be more in there, resulting in a higher percentage, but if it wasn’t crystal clear – it doesn’t count. Some Ohio drivers can be quite creative in getting their message across it seems.

Related: MLB's Machado Wears 'Let's Go Brandon' Shirt To Interviews

News5Cleveland reports:

Most requests are denied for including references to profanity, drugs, sex, or other inappropriate combinations of letters and numbers.

Reporter Clay LePard even noted:

Political references, including President Biden and "Let's Go Brandon" also made up a substantial number of rejected plate submissions.

A complete list is available below, but be warned, references to and altered spellings of profanity and sexually explicit terms are contained among the rejects.

Over all, it seems this may have been a better year for the Biden administration in terms of Ohio plates. Last year 6% of all the rejected plates were referencing Joe and his political cronies. 


2022 Denied Special Plates by Wews WebStaff