#OWS Supporter: 'Israel Doing Same Things To Palestinians As They Claimed Germany Did to Them'

Joe Schoffstall | November 2, 2011

On October 21, 2011, MRCTV took a trip to Zuccotti Park in New York City to see what exactly was going on at the 'Occupy Wall Street' protests. While there, we noticed some anti-Semitic signs and began asking protesters what they thought of Israel.

First, we spoke to this man who believes the 'Jews' are behind everything from Wall Street all the way to the media. Shortly after, we spoke to the following lady who believes that Israel's actions towards the Palestinians are no different than how Germany treated Jewish people during the Holocaust.

We also gave attendees a civics quiz (which we haven't released yet) in which she did not know any of the answers. As soon as I asked about Israel she had a lot to say.

Here it is:


For more videos from Occupy Wall Street, click here.