Macro-Irony: LGBTQ Screechers Decry Straight Man Playing 'Trans' Character in 'Squid Game 2'

P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 9, 2024
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Evidently blind to the almost comical irony of their actions, certain so-called “trans activists” have savaged the producers of South Korean dystopian thriller “Squid Game 2” for selecting a male actor to play a male character who engages in “trans” cosplay, pretending he is female.

Writes Alana Mastrangelo for Breitbart:

“South Korean actor Park Sung-hoon is reportedly set to play a man who identifies as a woman in the popular survival thriller series, sparking outrage among LGBTQQIAAP2S+ activists who say such roles should only go to transgender actors.”

That’s right, men who pretend to be women are upset that a man was hired to pretend to be a man who pretends to be a woman.

And, perhaps, some women who pretend to be men are upset that a man was hired to pretend to be a man pretending to be a woman.

Does any of that make sense?

And, of course, in the long line of hyperbolic ubertreibung she cited, Ms. Mastrangelo discovered the typically entertaining “activist” use of the word “woman” to describe people who aren’t women.

“’I’m crying. Instead of a transfem actor they decided to slap a wig on Park Sung-hoon and call it a day,’ one X user reacted.

‘This is not how you give representation,’ another lamented, adding, ‘A cis man pretending to be part of a minority group just doesn’t sit right with me, especially when they could’ve hired an actual trans actress.’”

Evidently, these people, who adopt the pretense of being a sex they are not, can’t stomach the idea of someone pretending to be a person who pretends to be a sex he is not.

Pretzels for everyone in this logic lock-box – enjoy!

Then, there was:

“'Could they not cast an actual transgender woman… this gonna piss me off,’ a third X user declared.”

And, perhaps, the ultimate in ironic mental derangement:

“’Could’ve gave it to a real trans person,’ another echoed.”

You read that right. A “real” trans person.

And, evidently not put off by the ultra-foolishness, others echoed that acceptance of counter-reality.

“’Why wouldn’t they give this role to an actual transwoman,’ another complained.”

Yeah, an “actual” transwoman.

“Another X user ironically stated that ‘men playing trans women reinforces the harmful notion that trans women are just men in dresses.’”

The level of absurdity is something that the members of the great British comedy team Monty Python might have achieved. In fact, members of Monty Python have mocked just that kind of contemporary delusion and politicized pressure.

Related: Emma Dumont Announces She's 'Trans Masculine, Non-Binary'

I got to write about it in July of 2021, and, perhaps like you, I had hoped the trans-mania would be less maniacal by now.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten even sillier.

Notes Mastrangelo:

“Other social media users reacted to the news by attacking South Korea in general, claiming that finding a transgender actor for the role would be a difficult task, given that the country itself is not as ‘woke.’”

How terrible!

“’It’s South Korea and they ain’t that flexible in this trans or lgbtv thingy,’ one X user said. ‘Where do you want to find a trans woman especially in the industry(?)’”

Thoughtful, logical, reality-based folk likely can add little to this already self-exposing farce. But I will observe that, as a former desk-worm in the script departments of two television series, I know that the job of the writers and producers and actors is to help viewers “suspend disbelief” and dive into the fiction in order to provide a lesson and a connection to the real world. It’s a process akin to friends around a fire, taking turns telling tales, a process that, though much more sophisticated in execution, reminds others that they just watched fellow humans doing a play, acting, and offering, hopefully, strong or mild lessons mixed with the entertainment.

As such, the storytellers adopt zero responsibility to be “representational” in order to cater to the desires of a vocal group. If the people caterwauling about this do not like the story or the production choices, they can create their own productions and see how they fare.

Valuable film, television, gaming, and print creations allow people to enjoy the tales by diving in, and allowing them later to remind themselves about the human connections, the people on the set, the writers, and so on. But injecting too much political or socio-political jerry-rigging into a tale destroys its entertainment power.

It would be nice if the termagants focused on “Squid Game 2” applied themselves to their own creations, rather than attacking the very process of acting and storytelling.

But, in engaging in their attacks, they reveal the utter absurdity of their own play-acting and societal screams to be taken seriously.

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