Outgoing Stink: Biden Imposes New 'Methane Tax' Before Exiting

P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 18, 2024
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For years, international Climate Cultists have pushed unfounded, baseless fears of an apocalyptic "global temperature" increase due to an ever-increasing, never-proven, list of purported human activities that, curiously, they tell us they have to control through edicts, limits, taxes, and government subsidies of wasteful so-called “alternatives” that - again, curiously - their politically-connected interests just happen to adore, and profit from.

From carbon dioxide, which they still have not proven to be a driver of climate Armageddon or even a driver of any form of damage to the life or property of any other person around you, to the use of nitrogen fertilizer, and even to the consumption of MEAT, they foul the air with their annoying and dangerous, anti-freedom, anti-productive command-and-control impositions.

And now, perhaps as a metaphor to the whole stinky, corrupt, insulting line of abuses, Joe Biden has left a real stinker in the room.

He just imposed a giant tax on methane.

Yes, Mr. Biden -- whose son in 2014 magically joined the board of Ukraine’s biggest fascist energy corporation after the U.S. helped bring about a government different from the one what was elected there in 2013. Indeed, Mr. Biden, who revels in his sports car and has jetted around the globe much, much more than most people ever will in their entire lives, is so hypersensitive to the bogeyman he and his colleagues in the cult want to push onto your scare-screens, he just pumped out a tax on a gas that, like CO2, has NOT been proven to be pushing the world to a fiery temperature tantrum.

That would be methane, which not only is formed naturally to such a large degree that it would be virtually impossible to stop that formation without impoverishing the globe, without stopping most plant growth and decomposition, and without exterminating many animal species, it also is the biproduct of numerous productive activities that human beings find worthwhile, activities like energy provision that vastly improve our lives without much of a downside.

And, of course, the WAY in which Biden’s green goons are imposing the tax is shifty, through assumptions that the feds can “regulate” gas, oil, and agriculture, and through a set of terms that people shouldn’t accept, but they sometimes do.

According to FoxNews’ Alec Schemmel:

“The new tax was born out of Biden's sweeping climate legislation passed by Congress, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which included a Waste Emissions Charge provision. Although the waste emissions charge was mandated by Congress, the Biden administration had discretion on how tightly to clamp down.”

Ah, yes, the “Inflation Reduction Act.” You remember that 2021 pile of anti-constitutional pork and mandates, right? That would be the $1.2 TRILLION spending frenzy that didn’t reduce spending at all, but, instead, increased federal handouts (including $369 BILLION in so-called “green” handouts) and the need for more money from the Federal Reserve, which, of course, INFLATES the money supply and bids up prices in the market. Yeah, the “Act” that Biden recently admitted was misnamed, because, even Joe realized in a moment of clarity that it was a massive pork package.

And “waste emissions charge…” Waste is relative, and free markets incentivize people to determine for themselves what is a wasted portion of their investment, how much of it to handle, and whether or not other people’s waste harms their own property and life.

That latter is the key behind all of this. Real human beings are not suing each other over “methane emissions,” meaning that no “price” has been determined for the “waste” of methane – other than an arbitrary government number created to suck money from productive people.

Writes Schemmel:

“The fee will start at $900 per metric ton of methane emitted over a specific performance level during 2024. In subsequent years, the fee will increase. In 2025, it will grow to $1,200 per metric ton. In 2026, it will increase to $1,500 per ton. Meanwhile, each subsequent year after that, the fee will continue to rise, according to the EPA.”

According to the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency. The unconstitutional Nixon-created bureaucracy that claims control over not only our land, but the water on virtually anyone’s private property, and even the air.

Related: Court Rejects Multi-State Attempt To Stop Biden’s Arbitrary 'Cost Of Carbon' Impositions

And MRCTV readers might be familiar with a disastrous analogue to the “cost of methane” Biden is telling people to pay, that being the federally invented so-called “cost of carbon” about which I’ve been able to write for MRCTV. As it is with methane, carbon dioxide not only is not proven to be driving some kind of warming apocalypse, CO2 serves many purposes in the naturally occurring systems of plant and animal life on earth.

Schemmel also notes that Steve Milloy, a fellow at the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute, observes that the tax will the benefit Big Oil companies, while hurting smaller companies. 

"’It's because all these regulations cripple the competition,’ Milloy said. ‘Taxing the oil industry, you know, Big Oil is going to be all for that.’”

And, adds Schemmel:

“North Carolina Republican Rep. Greg Murphy, who was endorsed by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions during his bid for re-election this year, echoed that going after the oil and gas industry with this latest tax will serve to ‘raise costs and prevent investment.’

‘Thankfully, this insanity will end in January,’ Murphy said.     

President-elect Donald Trump has suggested he would repeal many of the green energy initiatives implanted within Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.”

And, of course, even though many perspicacious Americans might like to see the EPA completely eliminated, so that the US government not only claims less overall power to tell people how to live, what to eat, how to travel, how to heat their homes, and many other things, and so that the feds more closely adhere to their disregarded Constitution, at least there is that hope, that glimmering hope that Trump and his new EPA under nominee Lee Zeldin mercifully will give us a few years of relief.

The fact that we have to hope for relief from federal overlords remains a problem.

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