Trudeau Gun-Grabbers Want To Take More Firearms From Canadians, Send Them To UKRAINE

P. Gardner Goldsmith | December 9, 2024
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The upside-down, Waffen-SS-Trooper-celebrating, Canadian government under lockdown-lover Justin Trudeau just told the serfs in every province that they are going to start confiscating hundreds of types of firearms and send them to...Ukraine.

Because, of course, the Trudeau-ites really, really, really despise their rhetorically malleable, always armed, bogeyman of “gun violence.”

And the new rights-attack, this new example of stunning hypocrisy, sees very few reporters paying attention, except pro-gun-rights commentators and anti-war writers, who consistently try to expose the machinations and murders of international political forces.

Even the left-leaning Associated Press is reporting on the plan, describing it as a "ban" on "assault-style firearms" (of which there is no such thing) that will then be oh-so-graciously "donated" to the Ukrainian military:

Canada said Thursday it is outlawing another 324 firearm varieties — guns the public safety minister said belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters.

Ottawa also said it is working with the government of Ukraine to see how the guns can be donated to support the fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The towering hypocrisy of the purportedly “anti-gun-violence” Trudeau-ites then claiming they will send the guns to UKRAINE to be USED, is astounding. After implementing a "buy-back" of guns these Canadian citizens lawfully purchased and posses in line with their inherent right to self-defense (and in which it's statistically very unlikely that they'll ever be used against another human being), the Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair said the government is currently discussing with Ukraine a plan to send them the guns to be intentionally used in combat against other people.

And it all starts with the ubiquitous “buy-back” – mandatory, of course, so it's really like a robber pointing a gun at you as he says he’ll give you a pittance, that HE will decide for you that you cannot own something and will take it from you, then HE will decide how much to “compensate” you for the confiscation.

There can be no doubt about the aggressive nature of this, the assumptive authoritarianism of it. There can be no doubt that the fatuous politicians who claim they are against “gun violence” are utter liars and hypocrites. And there can be no doubt that they also don’t even believe their own useless drivel.

If they argue that Canadians cannot hold the firearms for self-protection, which is precisely what the vast majority of Canadians want to do with their guns (and those who want to engage in aggression will get their firearms through black-market-channels, circumventing the state and gaining more advantage over the increasingly disarmed peaceful civilians), then how can the said same politicians hand the guns to Ukrainians to help them in what the Trudeau-ites claim is “self-defense”?

Related: CIA, More US Agencies Exposed In Vast Network Targeting Free Speech

This modus operandi is, in fact, what both the Canadian and U.S. governments (and many others) have done to their enslaved populations for years, be it to send weapons to Ukraine or other vassal states. The crony politicians and their military-industrial-complex friends and media flacks rely on taking civilian property – in this case, our earnings – and giving that to weapons makers to send to foreign tyrants, or they take our cash to give it to the foreign tyrants in order to see those foreign governments buy the weapons from the domestic weapons makers.

Thus, we are implicated in the bloodshed. It might be under duress for those of us who oppose the process and the bloody outcomes, but that is the reality.

People can argue about foreign wars and conflicts, but the least the domestic politicians – be they in Canada, the U.S., or elsewhere – might do to be slightly less offensive is to stop making us pay for their preferred interests in combat. By doing so, they engage in low-level war on us – constantly, every time we see a piece of our pay sucked away for the slaughter.

The individual right to keep and bear arms is not supposed to be infringed. That’s the point of rights. And our ability to keep and bear them is supposed to be our bulwark against government tyranny.

What are the Canadians experiencing, every hour of the day? Even as the Canadian government takes guns from peaceful people, they smear blood on their hands.

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