This is what happens when you have the brains of a terrorist — you do stupid crap.
Even though the rest of the world knows by now that Israel’s killing of “innocent Palestinians” was nothing more than a ruse by the terrorist group Hamas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is playing the victim card.
According to the Jerusalem Post:
Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki met with International Criminal Court [ICC] Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda at The Hague on Tuesday and said that further delay to decide on the alleged war crimes issues would allow Israel impunity.
Maliki and the PA are accusing Israeli soldiers and officials of war crimes relating to the IDF's killing of over 100 Palestinians on the Gaza border during the crisis there over the last six weeks. The complaint also relates to the 10,000 new units in the West Bank and east Jerusalem that are part of the settlement enterprise and the 2014 Gaza War.
The problem with the PA’s claims is that they’re known — along with Hamas — for using women and children as human shields. If those women and children die, the PA can claim victimhood.
Also likely not to help the PA’s case is that fact that Hamas official Salah Bardawil said last week that the majority of people killed by Israeli forces at Gaza were Hamas, not innocent Palestinians.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry claims that the war crimes claims to the ICC by the PA just serves to further fuel unrest between Israelis and Palestinians.
“The PA continues to exploit the ICC for problematic political purposes in place of acting to advance the diplomatic peace process,” a ministry statement said, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Give radicals an inch, and they’ll take all 100 yards of the field. Good luck trying to hide the atrocities the PA and Hamas caused by attempting this court case.