Calling a politician a liar is like calling water wet. It’s accurate and obvious.
Earlier this week, Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” program to explain her observation that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was silent after the attack on Christians in Sri Lanka.
Conway told host Sean Hannity that while she typically leaves the radical freshman members of Congress alone because “when they speak, it’s a gift to conservatives and to the Republican Party,” she couldn’t stay quiet about the double standard afforded to people Ocasio-Cortez not afforded to people on the right, like Trump.
“I really had to call her out here because I am on television shows, and I'm asked constantly, ‘Why didn't Donald Trump say this, why did he use that word? Where is the semi-colon in this tweet where I believe it should be,’” Conway said. “And I said hey, does anybody ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who you give a hero's welcome to, all you fangirls ever bother to ask her why she’s been completely silent on the massacre against Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday?”
Ocasio-Cortez responded to Conway’s criticism, which Conway gave on CNN, of her silence on the Sri Lanka attacks, saying that she was “away from tech” because she was visiting her grandmother in Puerto Rico.
Here’s Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet:
Hello Ms. Conway,
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 28, 2019
On Easter I was away from tech visiting my grandmother in Puerto Rico, which continues to suffer from the White House’s incompetent disaster response.
Are you trying to imply that I am less Christian? What was the point of you bringing this up on national TV?
Now we go back to “Hannity” where Conway brought up Ocasio-Cortez’s “away from tech” excuse.
“The very next day, still picking through the rubble in Sri Lanka, looking for survivors or of the deceased,” Conway said. “She had time to tweet about a Netflix documentary about her.”
Conway said what she said because it’s true. The Sri Lanka attacks happened on April 21st. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted out her self-promotion on April 22nd.
Take a look (Note the date):
Before my primary, three women & I agreed to film our journey of trying to run for office without big money.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 22, 2019
Now, #KnockDownTheHouse hits Netflix & select theaters next week, May 1st.
To find or host a local community screening, follow:
As if that weren’t enough to show that Ocasio-Cortez, in fact, wasn’t “away from tech,” her Twitter account also shows a retweet of a left-leaning outlet promoting her Netflix documentary.
The Netflix special in question, “Knock the House Down,” will be available to laugh at on May 1st. It is a comedy, right?
For Conway’s “Hannity” appearance, watch below: