Pelosi: ‘Tear Up A (Trump) Speech, You’re A Hero’

Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2022
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Move over bisexual Superman, there is a cackling California leftist that’s now claiming the title of hero.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says she’s recognized as a hero for tearing up President Trump’s State Of The Union Address in 2020.

Pelosi, who has called the act “dignified” in the past, was being lavished with sticky praise by former Democratic senator Barbara Boxer during a lecture series at leftist bastion UC Berkeley on Monday, when Boxer brought up the topic.

The two crones cackled loudly as Pelosi claimed the ripping of the speech gained her a reputation as a “hero.”

“You work so hard, you pass Affordable Care Act, you pass things – that all these bills. You tear up a speech  - you’re a hero, ” Pelosi said.

Related: DC Dems Use Pelosi’s 'Proxy Voting' Scheme To Travel, Campaign