PETA Hands Out Vegan Jerky to Oregon Protesters

ashley.rae | January 7, 2016

(Image source: PETA)

After the Oregon protesters’ plea for snacks went viral, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals came to the unlikely rescue.

On Jan. 6, PETA staffers hand-delivered vegan jerky to the protesters occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns. They also carried apocalyptic signs claiming, “The End of Animal-Based AG is Nigh: GET OUT NOW!”

PETA claims the vegan jerky “contains more protein than beef does.”

“These ranchers may have a beef with the feds, but their water use and the cattle’s production of methane mean that the world needs them to get out of the beef business,” said PETA president Ingrid Newkirk.

On Twitter, PETA defended its decision to give food to the protesters. PETA stated, “We're taking the opportunity to suggest militia members raise crops, not cows—who suffer to make meat.”

PETA also included a link to the anti-meat website reports that a protester “said he liked the jerky and added that some of it tasted like salmon.”