Planned Parenthood, N.C. Gears Up for Annual 'Condom Couture' Fashion Show

Brittany M. Hughes | January 6, 2017

The embattled Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider who’s facing a massive GOP-led defunding effort this year, is seeking to raise money off a fashion show featuring clothing made of…condoms.

Planned Parenthood South Atlantic will host its annual “Condom Couture” show this March, featuring “artwork” by local designers who’ve crafted dresses, skirts and tops from brightly colored condoms, once again proving that the group is as classless as they are two-faced.

“More than a dozen local designers use condoms to create fashionable, wearable art, promote safe sex, 
and benefit Planned Parenthood South Atlantic,” the group’s ad reads, even offering special “VIP runway seating via sponsorship” for those who want to be closer to the…um, action.

Attendees are encouraged to “bring cash” and vote for their favorite design.

Not only is this whole spectacle inherently gross by its very nature (how about a nice pencil skirt made out of latex penis-covers, ladies?), it’s also supremely hypocritical. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, women who use contraceptives correctly still account for about 5 percent of the unintended pregnancies in the United States. Additionally, women who reported using contraceptives, but who did so inconsistently or incorrectly, account for 41 percent of the nation's unintended pregnancies. These numbers show that while methods such as condoms are certainly more effective than using nothing at all, they're by no means a failsafe method for preventing pregnancy, particularly when accounting for inevitable user error and inconsistency.

Shockingly, the same report stated that the risk of unwanted pregnancy tended to be lower for married women, most of whom presumably have only one partner. Fancy that.

Rather than educate young people – particularly women – that the only true “safe sex” is that which is enjoyed within the confines of a monogamous, committed relationship (i.e., marriage), Planned Parenthood, through its crude "fashion show," is instead encouraging the same physically and emotionally risky behavior that actually creates the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

In other words, Planned Parenthood is actually encouraging the very lifestyle that leads to the health issues it claims to protect women against. Just grab a condom and have at it, kids. What could possibly go wrong?

Then again, the more unwanted babies that are conceived in America, the more money Planned Parenthood will make off all those abortion procedures, so there's that. 

The sham is so transparently self-serving, it’s a wonder anyone believes Planned Parenthood truly “cares” about women, at all.

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