Police Seek ‘Further Details’ After Columnist Tweets about Islamic Terrorism

ashley.rae | April 27, 2017


According to the Mirror, the Metropolitan police confirmed the “allegation will be reviewed and assessed.” 

Original Story

The Metropolitan Police Department, which oversees the greater London area, is seeking “further details” after Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins posted a tweet about Islamic terrorism.

In her allegedly controversial tweet, MailOnline columnist Hopkins mentioned a few of the recent Islamic terrorist attacks. She said, “Explosion in France, shooting at a German hospital, knife attack in London. And Ramadan has not yet begun. Without food these sods get nasty”:

In response to Hopkin’s tweet, an individual identified as “Damian Isherwood” said he was reporting Hopkins for “a hate crime” because he believes her tweet “will incite racial violence” against Muslims.

In his post, Isherwood tagged the Metropolitan Contact Centre, a Twitter page to report non-emergency incidents. The Metropolitan Police instructed Isherwood to send them a private message so they can “take some further details”:

Another individual, only going by the name “Jennifer,” told the Metropolitan Police to “Please do something about this woman,” adding, “There is a line between free speech and hate speech.” The Metropolitan Police also asked Jennifer for more details:

The police department also responded to other tweets claiming Hopkins' tweet constitutes a hate crime by telling the offended parties to send private messages with more details.

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