Poll Shows Sanders Ahead of Clinton in New Hampshire

ashley.rae | August 12, 2015

The latest poll of Democrat voters in New Hampshire shows Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) is now leading front-runner Hillary Clinton.

The Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll, which sampled likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters from Aug. 7-10, found that 44 percent would vote for Sanders compared to just 37 percent for Clinton.

This marks a huge improvement for Sanders compared to the March 2015 numbers. In March, 47 percent claimed they would vote for Clinton, while Sanders only had the support of 8 percent.

According to the poll, 68 percent of those supporting Sanders claimed their primary reason for supporting his candidacy is that he champions issues important to them. The top reason for supporting Clinton was that she, allegedly, has the best qualifications. 

The poll also showed dissatisfaction with Clinton’s candidacy. Fifty-one percent of voters claimed they could vote for Clinton, but they were “not enthusiastic” about her candidacy. For Sanders, however, who has been drawing large crowds across the country, 44 percent claimed they were “excited about his candidacy to become president.”