Pork Banned in Austrian City Kindergartens to Appease Muslim Families

Nick Kangadis | July 13, 2017

If you ever find yourself in the socialist haven known as Salzburg, Austria, don’t forget to bring along a BLT or ham sandwich.

Apparently, the socialist fools running the regional Austrian capital have allegedly banned pork in “city-run kindergartens” in order to show how sensitive and delicate they are toward their growing Muslim population.

According to Breitbart:

The ban was not advertised or announced and has been in place for some time until parents of children attending kindergartens in the city noticed that pork was never present on school menus. An official from the Salzburg mayor’s office said the ban on pork was both for health reasons and “among other things, the needs of Muslim children”, Kronen Zeitung reports.

The office of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) deputy mayor Anja Hagenaue confirmed the accusations saying that while there was no official order given by the left wing government, the ban had been in place for around five years.

Five years and no one noticed the ban until parents looked at a school lunch menu? Madness!

I would say that the majority of people in Austria are being discriminated against, but then again, it’s their own fault for electing a socialist regime into power.

However, according to a new Red Bull-funded television channel, ServusTV, 78 percent of people in a nationwide survey said that they were not opposed to pork being included on all kindergarten lunch menus.

Leave it to socialists to cave in to the lowest common denominator. Everyone doesn’t need special treatment. It’s called life, and it’s difficult enough without governments telling people what they can and can’t eat.

Where does iron fist of socialism end?

Daniel Gunther, the parliamentary leader of the Christian Democratic Union in Germany, said in 2016, “The protection of minorities – including for religious reasons – must not mean that the majority is overruled in their free decision by a false sense of consideration.”

People need to understand that not everyone wins all the time.

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