Practice Democracy, Get Called A 'Nazi'

DannyG | November 10, 2008

Only in the twisted universe that is Hollywood is it possible to exercise democracy in its truest form -- a ballot initiative -- and get called a "Nazi." During his weekly comedy show "The 12 Shiny Nickels," Dan Bialek violated "Godwin's Law" and slapped the Nazi label on Mormons for supporting a proposition to ban gay marriage in California.

He didn't say anything about the blacks who voted overwhelmingly for Proposition 8 or about Muslims who did likewise at the urging of religious leaders. Bialek made the comments in an obscene skit where he said gays eventually will be granted the right to marry. All they need to do is "trick" the Mormons, Orange County voters and other opponents by not brazenly showcasing their immoral behavior. I won't link to the full skit, but you can find it on YouTube or Bialek's blog if you must.