President Trump Calls for An End to the Diversity Visa Lottery Program

ola olugbemi | November 1, 2017

In the wake of the most recent terrorist attack in New York, President Donald Trump is now calling for an end to the “Diversity Visa Lottery Program,” referring to section 203 (c) of the Immigration Nationality Act that gives visa traveling access to migrants from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States.


USA Today reported that since the 2016 presidential campaign top Democrats, such as Chuck Schumer, have been accusing the President of politicizing the terrorism issue to instill fear in Americans, as well as manipulate the political conversation on immigration.

But Democrats must be either turning a blind eye to the failing counter-terrorism policies put in place since 9/11, or they honestly think that spending over $500 million per victim in terrorist-related deaths is really the best way to combat the issue.

However, it seems that Schumer is the one who must come to grips with the actually desires of the American people.

A 2015 gallup poll showed that one in six Americans believe that terrorism was the most important issue facing America at the time. If my math is correct, then that means that Americans were scared of terrorism a little while before President Trump could be accused of “instilling fear,” as Schumer and the Dems suggested.

Furthermore, the Pew Research Center reported that 75 percent of Americans believed that defending the homeland against terrorists and strengthening the economy should have been Washington’s main focus in 2016. Coincidentally, they are also the two issues that President Trump arguably built his campaign on.

In the battle for upholding the values of American representative democracy regarding terrorism and immigration, I’m going to go ahead and score it Trump: 1, Schumer/Dems: 0.