A Progressive Man Just Slut Shamed a Conservative Woman. Feminists...?

Brittany M. Hughes | August 4, 2017


Calling all feminists: a progressive man just publicly slut-shamed a conservative woman. I’ll wait here for your swift and furious response.

Don’t worry, I brought snacks and water.

It’s true -- although, considering the left's rampant hypocrisy, not terribly surprising. Cenk Uygur, a liberal activist and co-founder of left-leaning outlet The Young Turks, launched the sexually disparaging comment against conservative socialite Jenna Jameson on Twitter Thursday.

Jameson, a former porn star and outspoken conservative, had tweeted earlier this week in support of Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, who debated (and arguably defeated) Uygur during Politicon in Los Angeles last weekend.

In response, Uygur somehow managed to find the bottom of the socially acceptable barrel, then tunnel under it.

The Twitter thread quickly filled with praise from leftists who apparently think graphically slut-shaming a woman for her former porn career is perfectly fine, so long as she’s a conservative.

Fortunately, there were also more than a few folks who were willing to call Uygur on his utterly classless response.

Despite Uygur’s admitting to reveling in a woman’s sexual subjugation while insulting both her former lifestyle and career choices – all of which rank pretty high in the Big Book of Feminist No-No’s – there’s so far been no outcry from the feminist left, who are usually all-too-happy to hold their own Slut Walks and vagina-centered parades when they feel their own sexuality has been objectified or otherwise insulted by men.

I suppose conservative ex-porn stars can now join gay Jews on the list of ladies who aren’t welcome in the left’s big “pro-woman” tent.