Prostitute Speaking At a Pro-Abortion Rally In Ireland: ‘Hoes Need Abortions!’

Brittany M. Hughes | March 16, 2018

Abortion activists in Ireland, where elective abortion is still illegal and the practice is largely outlawed except in extreme cases, have decided that labeling themselves “hoes” was a good way to endear others to their cause.

Irish abortion extremists invited a prostitute to speak at a pro-abortion rally aimed at forcing the repeal of the country’s Eighth Amendment, which protects unborn children from being murdered in the womb.

Now, a really disturbing video from the rally is making the rounds on social media of a woman, reportedly a sex worker herself, chanting that "hoes need abortions."

The Campaign in Ireland to Repeal the 8th Amendment that protects the preborn invited an American prostitute to their rally.

This is the moral bankruptcy behind the abortion lobby.#SaveThe8th

— Devin Sena (@DevinSenaUI) March 15, 2018

The rally was reportedly led in part by the Sex Worker's Alliance of Ireland, which doesn’t really need much in the way of description.

By contrast, here’s a video from the pro-life rally led by the Save the 8th Campaign, also largely led by women. (Not “hoes.”)

Niamh tells Irish politicians: Give women real support, compassion, opportunities rather than the quick-fix, cheap violence of abortion #savelives #savethe8th

— Savethe8th (@Savethe8thInfo) March 9, 2018

And there you have it, y’all. You’ve got “Hoes need abortions” versus a plan to provide struggling women with support, resources and health care for both them and their children.

I’ll take option #2 any day of the week.