'Queer Power': First Trans Queer ‘Woman’ Elected For MN House

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | November 10, 2022
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Remember when we used to elect political officials based on their skills, not how progressive they were? No? Me neither, but it's getting silly.

Congratulations to the state of Minnesota for electing transgender Leigh Finke and abetting the “rise of Queer Political Power.” 

Finke, she/her but born a he/him, was elected to serve for District 66 of Minnesota as a state representative. Finke’s Twitter indicated that his priorities are to ensure that bodily autonomy for women & queers (aka fake women) is considered “essential healthcare.”

I presume that he’s one of the firm believers that ripping apart an unborn child’s body, limb by limb, should be called “healthcare.

It's funny when someone who will never have to have an abortion, nor be pregnant for that matter, is hired to help push abortion “rights.” 

Nonetheless, the LGBTQ Victory Fund calls itself the “political arm of the LGBTQ community” and helps elect people like that. It aims to “recruit, train and elect out public officials at every level” across the states. Essentially the group wants to push LGBTQ people into seats of power strictly because they’re LGBTQ. 

As Fox News pointed out, the Victory Fund was thrilled at its “success” at helping Finke get elected. Here’s what the LGBTQ group’s president and CEO said:

Leigh made history tonight because she is ready to disrupt the status quo and fight for real change on behalf of her community. From safeguarding abortion rights to addressing societal inequities, she has a vision for the future that voters are clearly enthusiastic about. Her win is a clear and deafening rebuke to the transphobia currently sweeping our communities and her success will inspire other trans people to step up and run.

Supposedly Finke collected 15,635 votes or 81 percent in the district he ran. The previous seat warmer was Alice Hauseman who’d been in office since 1989, Fox News said. 

What an honor it must be to lose your seat to someone who’s pretending to be a woman. 

Related: Man! I Feel Like A Woman! Mister Wins 'Miss Greater Derry' Pageant

And an honor it is according to Finke. Check out “her” Tweet following the results.

Cringe with a capital C.

All I can say is that thank God I don't live in Minnesota and I pray that we start electing people based on their skill set, not who they sleep with and which gender they decide to be on a given day. 

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