Race Driven Director Spike Lee Equates Black Trump Supporters With Slaves

Nick Kangadis | March 5, 2020

I did an edition of Out Of Left Field on Wednesday about Spike Lee playing the victim in a situation with the New York Knicks, because he couldn’t use an entrance that no other celebrity could. Talk about being an entitled little brat. The man is 62-years-old, but acts like a petulant child most of the time. I examined both sides of the debate, because that’s what happens in true journalism. Unfortunately, Lee recently proved — once again — that he isn’t deserving of the benefit of the doubt since he constantly cries racist wolf.

On Monday, Lee sent out a picture on Instagram of President Donald Trump celebrating Black History Month with black Trump supporters praying over him. But that wasn’t the egregious part of Lee’s post.

“‘Massa, We Love You Massa,” Lee put in the caption. “We Gonna Pray Fo’ You Massa.’ Singing- ‘Swing Low,Sweet Chariot’.”

Lee’s grammar aside, what a race hustler. I’m talking about a race hustler in the same vein as tax-evader Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

Note: When they do something worthy of the title, I’ll begin calling either of them “Reverend.”

Anyway, take a look at Lee’s Instagram post below:


"Massa, We Love You Massa. We Gonna Pray Fo' You Massa". Singing- "Swing Low,Sweet Chariot".

A post shared by Spike Lee (@officialspikelee) on


Lee has based his entire film and public career on race and racism — unless he was trying to suck up to basketball legend Michael Jordan back in the day. Lee is worth tens of millions of dollars, and he profited off of exploiting racism. Still no word on what he’s done to improve race relations.

I'm not saying Lee has never made a good film. There's a few that are really well done, including "25th Hour," "Inside Man," and "Malcolm X." But it’s just gotten sad for Lee in terms of his race paranoia at this point. Then again, he is in the business of making propaganda for a Hollywood machine that bows to communist China.