Rachel Levine Says Conservatives Are 'Weaponizing' the Term 'Gender-Affirming Care'

Sarah Merly | June 28, 2023
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When the United States Assistant Secretary for Health fights against basic biology, you have to wonder whether the government uses the very notion of "health" as propaganda.

Not only is “Rachel” Levine openly transgender who shoves the “blessings” of physical mutilation down our throats, now he's accused conservatives of weaponizing the term “gender-affirming care.”

“Let’s talk for a moment about the trans healthcare that our community needs and transgender medicine and gender-affirming care,” said Levine. “I mean, that term is important, although our opponents have weaponized it.”

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To be clear, pointing out that “gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for barbarically slicing off healthy reproductive organs – especially when it's from innocent children – does not count as weaponization. The left simply doesn’t want you to know what it actually means, so they paint conservatives as the villains. After all, it’s simple: if you believe there are two genders, you are hurting people with gender dysphoria. Don’t conservatives believe in compassion?

What the left doesn’t want you to know is that sometimes, compassion involves giving people the hard truth. Numerous videos of those who underwent surgical procedures to become a different gender now flood the Internet, not with angry accusations, but with sorrow and regret over their past mutilation. Transgender criminals escalate prison tensions by impregnating biological women. And the list of social fallout goes on.

Kids should never feel forced to hack off their private parts and shunned from receiving true hope and love. Because of that, we must fight to preserve their freedom.

And that's not "weaponizing" - it's simply the truth.

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