Ah, racism. For rational thinking people, racism is when anyone is discriminated against purely for the color of their skin, no matter the color of the individual. But for people who engage in group think, forming groups in order to paint entire segments of the population based on skin color is peak 2021.
Activists attending the National Black Power Convention to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma over the weekend, as reported by PJ Media, also held a “Second Amendment March for Reparations” in which far-left racists could be heard calling for action against “white supremacy” and white people in general.
Black supremacist group the New Black Panthers, among other groups, were in attendance for the rally and a few individuals had some very inflammatory things to say about “white” people, “capitalism,” “imperialism” and “fascism.”
“When that time coming for rat-a-tat-tat, cracker, we will kill everything white in sight that ain’t right,” one of the speakers said.
“We will kill everything White in sight.” pic.twitter.com/UeKZuovjxA
— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) May 30, 2021
Such a poet.
“And as always, we pushing death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism and death to fascism,” another speaker said. “We pushing a eye for a eye, a tooth for a tooth, a head for a head and a life for a life.”
Rally attendees could also be heard yelling out “black power” in an effort to combat people who say “white power,” in a clear example of fighting extremism with extremism.
"So once they are buried we must bury them, dig them up, and kill them again"pic.twitter.com/tDPCB6XCsq
— AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) May 30, 2021
If you’re calling for the death of white people while chanting “black power,” how does that differentiate the New Black Panthers as a black supremacist group from extremist white groups that chant “white power?”
Whether it’s “white power,” “black power,” or any other kind of power based on race, extremism is manifesting itself and dividing the U.S. based on the false narratives of activists, the radical media and the politicians they control.