Ray Epps' Atty. Says Client will be 'Criminally' Charged by DOJ for Jan. 6 Actions in Lawsuit Against Fox News

Nick Kangadis | July 13, 2023
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The boogeyman of January 6, 2021, Ray Epps, looks to be in the middle of a giant conflict as to whether he acted on January 5th and 6th of that year on his own accord or as either an informant or employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Pushed far down within a lawsuit Epps’ attorney filed against Fox News Network on Monday is the 94th item, on a list within the lawsuit of 124 items, that noted the Department of Justice (DOJ) “notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on January 6, 2021 — two-and-a-half years later.”

The first question for Epps’ attorney(s) would be why it matters how long it took the DOJ to look into Epps and possibly charge him? I haven’t heard the same attorney(s) cry about the many people who have been persecuted by DOJ over two years after the events of January 6.

“The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. [Tucker] Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges,” the lawsuit went on to note.

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Except it wasn’t Tucker Carlson or Fox News that made Epps say, on camera for the whole world to see, that people should storm and go into the Capitol building on both January 5th and 6th.

And it wasn’t Carlson or Fox that made the people Epps was speaking to, encouraging them to enter the Capitol, call Epps a “Fed,” or federal agent.

While I understand that those within the current regime, particularly the DOJ, seem to work on the pretense that victims should be treated as criminals and criminals should be treated as victims, that still doesn’t mean one shouldn’t believe what they see with their own two eyes and hear with their own two ears.

For footage of Epps' transgressions, of which he's never been previously charged for, watch below:


H/T: Daily Wire


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