The Real Threat to Democracy: Big Tech Purges Conservatives While Letting Leftist Violence Run Wild

Brittany M. Hughes | January 12, 2021

Here’s exactly what should happen to these tech giants who’ve apparently decided they run the world and we all just have the privilege of living in it. It’s actually real simple. They should be treated exactly like the competition-killing monopolies they’ve become, and they should be smashed to pieces. It’s one thing to say Twitter has become huge because it’s been successful. It’s quite another to say Twitter is the only game in town because it’s working in concert with tech companies like Amazon and Apple to shut down their competition. 

The moment Big Tech decided Parler couldn’t play in their sandbox is the day they declared they would intentionally kill any competition that gives a voice to people they don’t like. They want unilateral control over the dissemination of information in this country. They want to tell you what to believe, censor the things they don’t want you to know, and gag you if you ever dare to disagree. Big Tech has officially become a threat to democracy.  And that’s a threat to all of us.