Royal Dutch Airlines’ Gay Pride Tweet Backfires

ashley.rae | August 8, 2017

Over the weekend, Royal Dutch Airlines shared a message intend to support gay pride. However, the message backfired.

In the tweet, Royal Dutch Airlines wrote, “It doesn’t matter who you click with,” but included a photo of two seat belts that are not possible to be buckled:

Despite trying to come across as gay-friendly, Twitter users quickly noted the post could actually be considered a slight to the gay community. One Twitter user claimed the ad was making the case that being LGBT is “absurd”:

Another said the ad shows that “buckling up the heterosexual way” could be the only way to avoid catastrophe:

Others merely pointed out the lack of thought they went into the ad:

The airline, however, shrugged off the backlash. In response to a tweet addressing it, they thanked a Twitter user for their her words:


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