Russia Mocks Election Hacking Claim in April Fools’ Joke

ashley.rae | April 3, 2017

Russia had some fun with being the center of the news cycle on April Fools’ Day.

A video posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Facebook and Twitter pages, in both Russian and English, says, “You have reached the Russian foreign embassy. Your call is very important to us.”

“To arrange a call from a Russian diplomat to your political opponent, press 1,” the video continues. “To use the services of Russian hackers, press 2. To request election interference, press 3 and wait until the next election campaign.”

“Please note that all calls are recorded for quality improvement and training purposes,” the video adds.

A ministry duty officer confirmed to the Associated Press the video is, indeed, a joke.

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin called claims that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election pure “lies.”

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