San Diego State's Offering a Course On Impeaching and Convicting Trump

Brittany M. Hughes | February 28, 2018

San Diego State University, a taxpayer funded school in Southern California, is offering a week-long, one-credit weekend course entitled: “Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?

Now, following some pretty hefty backlash over the class, the school is denying that the course is anti-Trump.

Did I mention that it’s called “Trump: Impeachment, Removal or Conviction?” I did, didn’t I?

The course, which is being offered under the school's criminal justice program, is described on SDSU's own website like this:

Focus will be on the two constitutional grounds: impeachment and removal (25th Amendment), and the possible charges of the independent counsel, the powers of the president, a history of the creation of that office and the comparison of divine right and rule of law leadership, presidential impeachments, including Nixon's de facto impeachment, practically limitless grounds for impeachment, presidential immunity from indictment, and grounds for impeachment, removal, or indictment covering: conflict of interests, foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias, improper influence, nepotism, and a host of crimes, including conspiracy, false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I.e., everything the Left has been accusing Trump of doing since before he ever stepped into the Oval Office.

It’s worth noting that according to this totally unbiased, not at all anti-Trump “course,” climate change is listed among the grounds for impeachment – despite it not actually being anywhere in the Constitution. But notice that “perjury” didn’t make the list of impeachable offenses. Wonder why that might be…

The school, however, is disputing that the course focuses on impeaching Trump, stating that the class offers a more comprehensive look at the impeachment process and the history of its use.

“The course presents an overall framework of impeachment, removal or criminal investigation of a president and rather than focusing on President Trump, reviews all 19 impeachments in U.S. history,” university officials are now claiming.

That meat gets a little hard to sell, though, given that A) the course is, again, actually entitled “Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?” and B) the only required reading for the class is Allan Lichtman’s book “The Case for Impeachment,” the stated goal of which is to “lay out the reasons Congress could remove Trump from the Oval Office: his ties to Russia before and after the election, the complicated financial conflicts of interest at home and abroad, and his abuse of executive authority,” according to the book’s back cover.

But sure. This isn’t anti-Trump at all, and definitely deserves a place in America’s taxpayer-funded classrooms.

And I've got beachfront property for sale in Arizona.

(Cover Photo: Stuart Seeger)