'Schmiga... Doom?' Apple TV Musical Comedy Ends With Liberal Utopian Dream

Dawn Slusher | August 16, 2021

What could possibly go wrong with a cute, lighthearted musical comedy that on the surface looks to be a fun show? When I saw the first trailers for Apple TV+’s Schmigadoon, I was really excited to check it out. But, knowing how Hollywood is, I tweeted that I’d hoped it wouldn’t be spoiled with liberal politics.


From the first episode, I had a sinking feeling that’s exactly what would happen with an obviously closeted gay, married mayor with the last name “Menlove” (played by Alan Cumming who can apparently only play gay characters), and a married, effeminate, Christian reverend with the last name “Layton” (Fred Armisen). Add in Hollywood’s bigoted habit of portraying Christian pastors, reverends and priests as being secretly gay and it was pretty obvious to me where this story was headed.

Schmigadoon is a mystical town that a troubled couple, Melissa (Cecily Strong) and Josh (Keegan-Michael Key), stumbles upon while on a relationship retreat in the woods. A play on the musical, Brigadoon, the show parodies various musicals and really was a lighthearted, fun escape, if it weren’t for the political spin. Can’t Hollywood produce just one show without a liberal agenda? Are they even capable of coming up with a story that isn’t meant to shove their views down our throats and “enlighten” us?

Friday’s finale episode, “How We Change,” unfortunately confirmed my suspicions as Josh and Melissa rekindle their love and finally meet up during the middle of the town’s mayoral election. The reverend’s wife, Mildred (Kristin Chenoweth), (a typical caricature of a Christian woman who is, of course, ridiculously judgmental, cruel, racist, and harsh) is up for election against the formerly uncontested incumbent Mayor Menlove. Mildred decided to run after finding out Menlove is gay and blaming the outsider couple for all the town's problems.

At first, Mildred’s firm hold on the town seems to ensure her win, but suddenly things start to change as they all realize Josh and Melissa made Schmigadoon better and everyone is inspired to be more honest about who they really are.

Wow! How powerful! Everyone finally realizes they need to become a liberal and just do what they want and be “who they are” - even if they’re an arsonist who is the town’s fireman! Just beautiful! Because “This Is How We Change!” *eye roll*

Who cares who you hurt along the way? What matters is you and you alone. It’s all about the narcissistic self. You just know this is what a utopian paradise looks like in the minds of these liberal, bigoted, anti-Christian writers.

Even the Christians end up thumbing their nose at the Bible (which was never intended to be used the way Mildred used it - the Bible is God’s Word, not a weapon) as the reverend leaves Mildred for Mayor Menlove who left his wife after openly declaring he’s gay. And, of course, Mildred was exposed as a hypocrite because she was hiding her daughter who had a child out of wedlock.

No word yet on whether Schmigadoon will be renewed for a second season, but let’s all pray it won’t be because we really don’t need yet another bigoted Hollywood show that serves as a cover for liberal propaganda.

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