Joy Behar, one of the hosts of ABC’s The View, has been known to make outrageous comments on air which are most commonly attacks against conservatives or Donald Trump. But her latest insult aimed at Trump supporters might take the cake, when she claimed that “People who wear MAGA hats might as well just put a swastika on a hat.”
What is wrong with Joy Behar?!?
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) May 21, 2024
She said that people who wear MAGA hats “might as well just put a swastika on the hat.”
I don’t think it’s the maga folk that has been wishing death upon Israel on college campuses for the past two months…
Her comment, made during Tuesday’s show, echoes the innumerable times leftists accused Trump of being the second coming of Hitler. But now, it seems the same attack is aimed at the millions of Americans who support Trump.
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This should not come as a surprise to anyone, considering how The View hosts openly rail about how much they dislike Donald Trump and how much they deleted his supporters. Joy Behar has also come out in the past and said that “Trump is the most dangerous president in her lifetime”, according to an article by The Hill.