Security Officials Reinstall Fencing Ahead of SOTU, Possible U.S. Freedom Convoy

Nick Kangadis | February 22, 2022

Will they or won’t they?

It’s being reported by multiple outlets that “security officials will reinstall fencing around the Capitol” ahead of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) address, as well as to brace for a possible U.S. “Freedom Convoy” that could reach Washington D.C. by March 1.

The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) originally released a statement on Friday conveying that they are weighing preparations for the two events coinciding around the same time.

Law enforcement agencies across the National Capital Region are aware of plans for a series of truck convoys arriving in Washington, DC around the time of the State of the Union. As with any demonstration, the USCP will facilitate lawful First Amendment activity. The USCP is closely coordinating with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, including DC’s Metropolitan Police Department, the United States Park Police, the United States Secret Service and other allied agencies to include the DC National Guard.” – The United States Capitol Police

Related: Pelosi Orders Capitol Police to Arrest Maskless Visitors and Staff

However, following reports of the possibility of using the same fencing they used in the months following the events of January 6, 2021, the USCP released an update to their previous statement:

Here is additional information to address numerous inquiries we have received this evening:

The United States Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have been closely working together to plan for the upcoming State of the Union.  The temporary inner-perimeter fence is part of those ongoing discussions and remains an option, however at this time no decision has been made.” – The United States Capitol Police 

So the question remains — ‘Will they or won’t they?’

Well, it appears they are.

Video is now emerging showing fencing that has already gone up on Tuesday around the U.S. Capitol building.

I guess the "ongoing discussions" the USCP spoke about in their update came and went. That looks like fencing to me.

Related MRCTV Twitter Video: