Sen. Hawley: ‘Subpoena These People’ – Special Counsel Should Investigate Obama Admin Role In Flynn Case

Eric Scheiner | May 13, 2020

With #SubpoenaObama trending on Twitter Wednesday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called for a special counsel to conduct a “full-fledged” investigation into the Obama administration’s possible ties to the FBI’s alleged misconduct in the Russian investigation and in the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“The more we learn, the worse it looks. Which is why we need a full investigation into what went on,” Hawley said during an appearance on Fox and Friends Wednesday.

“I mean, the more we learn, the more that we see that the Obama administration took unprecedented action to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election to mislead the FISA court, a secret court where if you are a target of an investigation, you don't get to appear before the court. And we know that the Obama FBI deliberately misled the FISA court."

"Now we learn about the Flynn nonsense at how they unmasked General Flynn, perhaps breaking protocols and doing so, sharing intelligence that was not supposed to be shared.”

Hawley says lawmakers should hear from a variety of Obama administration officials on the issue. Including former national security adviser Susan Rice, ex-CIA Director John Brennan and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates – he claims they should be subpoenaed if necessary.

“I do want to hear from all of those people. I think it's entirely appropriate. I think we probably actually need a special counsel to look into this and do a full fledged investigation. The Senate should do one, too. And there's no substitute. The Judiciary Committee should hear from these people,” Hawley continued.

“We should put them under oath. If they won't come, we should subpoena these people so that they can look in the eye of the American public and tell everyone what exactly they did. Why did they break these protocols? Why did they authorize spying on the Trump campaign? Why did they lie to the FISA court and try to get wiretaps on Trump affiliates?”