Nothing screams liberal media bias like Brian Williams.
The MSNBC host ran a bizarre segment Tuesday night on whether or not Trump likes dogs. Trump, he argues, hates dogs because he often refers to his enemies as them, such as Omarosa.
“Does this president really physically not like dogs?” Williams asked The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker.
“That’s right, Brian. He’s actually the first president in more than 100 years that’s not had a dog as a pet in the White House,” Rucker reported, adding that Trump’s first wife had a dog who “didn’t like Trump very much.”
That's some "real news" brave journalism right there. But it wouldn't truly be a Brian Williams segment without some biased reporting.
“We launched an extensive web search that took us at least a few minutes and we could only find one photo in all the land of Trump with a dog.” Williams said.
But as Reagan Battalion pointed out on Twitter, a simple google search disproves this claim.
.@BWilliams needs new staff ASAP!
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) August 15, 2018
Williams: We launched an ‘extensive’ web search & could only find ‘one’ photo of @realDonaldTrump with a dog.”
Watch below what we found!
Are you a Google wizard? Try it yourself. Google images - type
In - “Trump with a dog”
HT. @JSwiftTWS
Whoops. But don’t worry, Williams doesn’t stop there. He then argued that Trump hates dogs because he’s a germaphobe.
“The fact is, he’s been a germaphobe a lot of his life,” Williams asserted.
“Clearly he’s not comfortable living with animals,” Rucker said. “He uses dog as if it’s some sort of — like — negative thing. In American culture, a lot of Americans love dogs.”
They sure got Trump now. I’m sure he’ll be impeached by the end of the week.