Social Media Posts Reveal the Crazy COVID Classrooms Students Are Heading Into

Brittany M. Hughes | August 20, 2020

New photos emerging on social media show the ridiculous and freakishly isolated conditions many children are facing as they head back into the classroom mid-COVID, where the adults in the room have decided that the only way to keep children – and themselves – safe from all-but-certain death is to keep them from living at all.

One elementary school in Provo, Utah, is taking safety to the absurd extreme. In a now-deleted Instagram post, Edgemont Elementary posted a picture of a few miserable-looking masked children sitting at desks covered with clear boxes made of what appears to be plastic.


One teacher posted a photo of his classroom before students arrived, showing desks separated by plastic dividers.

One teacher at least tried to be creative, crafting rocket-themed partitions that, while at least inventive, aren't very conducive to being able to see.

Another post shows students sitting apart in a classroom that used to be a lab, but is now a largely empty room where students are required to bring their own equipment to keep from touching the same stuff.

And, while it’s far better than torturing small children by not letting them socialize with their friends at the lunch table, one lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology posted on Twitter that her adult students aren’t even allowed to have desks.